Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Most Embarrassing Language Moment

When I entered to my first job, I didn't know how to speak in English; and I received my first email in English, so I asked for help to a co-worker, and she asked me "who sent to you the Email?" and I red the Email that I had printed in my hands and told her, "is from somebody named Germany" (in Spanish I said " es de un tal Germany"), and my co-worker, started to laugh a lot and told me "Germany is the country of the person who sent the email to you", (Germany means Alemania in Spanish) and I started to laugh with her and all my department knew about it. And the most funny thing is that I didn't feel embarrassing at any moment, because I didn't know how to speak English. But now when I remember it I feel embarrassing about it.



CatyGalue said...

jaajaja!... awesome experience to share.!

Ale diaz said...

Lupita!!!!..... oh my god thats terrible. Believe me, if that had also happened to me, i would be so embarrased too!!! But lupita see the good side of it, this will help you in future, now you know that germany means the country.!!!
Something that i always say is that we learn of our own mistakes.
So this experience is a good one.
see ya!!! lupita!!! ciao!!